Month: August 2011


Wow, the old Post Irony was hacked a couple days ago. From rummaging around in the hundreds of odd files that materialized on my server space, I determined that fake Viagra was somehow involved in the unseemly attack. After stumbling around the Internets for about 24 hours I was able to somehow restore order in the Post Ironic universe. I’m still not sure exactly how I accomplished it. Some stuff is still broken, but I’ll get around to fixing everything some day.

I know what you’re thinking, “Who the Hell cares that Post Irony was nearly unceremoniously wiped from the face of the earth?” But my sister Katie actually noticed that something was wrong and alerted me, the blog owner who had no clue that the precious account of his early middle age had been staked through the heart and left for dead for almost two days. So somebody cared.

On the bright side, this dastardly act got me to change hosting companies. I’ve been dissatisfied with my hosting company since day 1. I think the change will result in the site loading faster.

That is all.

Abbydon Productions Inc. LLC Presents

Abby and I were looking for something to do inside out of the heat that didn’t involve watching TV, so we decided to get into the movie making bidness. We decided to give Pixar a run for their money by making a stop motion animation short as our first project. We needed a camera dolly, so I strapped my camera to the top of Abby’s Barbie VW Beetle. I positioned the camera for each shot and took care of the focusing. Abby moved the train between frames and pushed the camera’s shutter button. She also helped solve the problem of keeping the train positioned on the bridge approaches without rolling backward or forward. We’re thinking of doing a frame-for-frame homage to “Citizen Kane” for our next effort.