Month: January 2010

Modern Dinosaurs

We got a bit of a cold snap and some sleet on Friday and the birds dropped some of their aversion to eating in a back yard patrolled by a known bird-killing cat. I just opened the window a little bit and was able to shoot in the cold without gloves or a coat. Pretty handy.

I'm unsure why a flicker would be interested in eating seeds. I thought woodpeckers ate bugs they found under the bark of trees.

White Christmas!

It snowed in Kansas on Christmas Eve and Gina and Abby wanted to see some of the white stuff. We loaded up on the day after Christmas and took off hoping the roads were passable to my parents’ place in southeast Kansas where they got 6-8 inches. The roads didn’t get dicey until we got into Kansas. We didn’t have any trouble until we turned into the driveway at Pleasant Hill Farm and promptly got stuck.