I Don’t Have What You’re Looking For

I love checking on what search terms people used to get here. My favorite so far: “crossdresser peeing.” Well, I mentioned seeing a cross dressing biker in one post and I’ve mentioned potty training Abby a couple times, so I guess that’s how Post Irony pops up in that search.

A few other people got here by searching for “sexy crossdresser” and “little cross dresser.”

My second favorite of them all: “grilled plecostomus.” Who wants to grill plecostomus? I actually put this one into Google and Post Irony comes up fourth. I looked through a couple of pages of the search results and didn’t see anything that addressed actually grilling these unappetizing fish.

A couple of posts chronicle my adventures in photographing my Abe Lincoln bust, so it makes sense that searching for “abe lincoln yelling” would get you here. I just don’t know if searching for Abe Lincoln yelling makes any sense.

One post mentions me seeing a middle aged woman getting an airbrushed tattoo in the middle of her back, which drew these searches: “star tramp stamps,” “best place for a woman to get a tattoo,” and “sexy middle aged women.”

In the same post I mentioned the mannequin legs used to advertise the tattoo stand, which match the search terms “sexy legs” and “disembodied legs.” Who’s searching for disembodied legs? Maybe somebody else will do that search, get this post in the results, come here and explain why they did that search.


  1. jodie

    wow, i didn’t know you could find out what people are searching to find your website. how strange. sounds like you’re using all the right words. kind of makes me wonder what seemingly odd topics i may have searched in the past. hmm….. certainly not “abe lincoln yelling.”

    perhaps your new endeavor will eventually get you a nomination for an award such as this: http://bloggerschoiceawards.com/categories/36

  2. Post

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