
Sled Hunt Pays Off

I went on a crazed hunt for a sled on Tuesday in anticipation of the epic snowmageddon headed our way. This is not an exaggeration, I called every sled purveyor in Central Arkansas, we’re talking Little Rock, Conway, Cabot, Bryant, Benton, East End, etc. No joy anywhere. I finally came across Hum’s Hardware in North Little Rock and they had one sled left and they agreed to hold it for 20 minutes. I made it there in exactly 20 minutes and now I’m able to present you with these fine clips of the only thing a snowstorm is good for.


The weather people spent several days predicting a snowmageddon for central Arkansas and Abby went into overdrive in anticipation of the gloriousness she was sure was coming. At one point she said, “I can’t wait. We’re going to wear mittens and have snowball fights and drink hot chocolate.” The snow finally began coming down Sunday afternoon and it was better than Christmas.

In Training

With Abby and me both out of school, we’ve got time to fill. We went out to Two Rivers Park where Abby got her bike on. She rode top speed about two and half miles while I walked along before one of the pedals fell off. She opined that “All that fastness must have worn that pedal out.”

A Branson Family Christmas

Santa made a special visit to Branson over the weekend so Mimi and Papa could get their Christmas on with Abby and the big winner from Christmas Haul #1 is the Razor scooter. We found this great unused parking lot in Branson, but she crashed after just a few minutes and wanted to rest for awhile. When we got back to Little Rock she made me take her to a “tennis course” because that was the smoothest place she could think of to ride on.