Get Ready To JUMP!

We’re digging this at the Dailey house.

Our cable has a new channel called Retro Television that carries a lot of old TV shows and we discovered a couple of weeks ago that the classic Johnny Depp series comes on at 8 every night. The show began in 1987, the year Gina and I graduated high school and it was pretty cutting edge at the time. It was on the new Fox network, which had a rep of airing gritty or tasteless fare. I didn’t watch many episodes during the first run, but it made quite a splash among the young and hip.

Two-Flash Donnie

My well-used Nikon SB26 flash came via UPS today and I was pretty pumped. In the Strobist world the 26 is just about the be-all, end-all of flashes. It’s almost 15-year-old technology, but it has a built-in optical slave that fires when it detects the light from another flash. Unfortunately, the Strobist craze has driven up the price on these babies. I almost opted for buying the current generation SB600, but the 26 was $75 cheaper and the 600 won’t fire wirelessly with my D40 camera. The little pop-up flash on the camera will fire the 26 if I don’t want to use the big Vivitar. The 26 won’t do the fancy through-the-lens-exposure control that tells the flash when to stop putting out light when the right exposure is reached, but I want it for manual use anyway. I dusted off old Abe and fired light at him from two sides.

Now I can get on Flickr and say things like: Vivitar 285HV into a silver 43″ umbrella on 1/4 power camera right with a snooted SB26 at 1/64 camera left and little behind model for hair light and a white card at lower camera left for fill on model’s face. 285 fired via poverty wizard with 26 slaved.


This is the 10,000th shot on my Nikon D40 I bought back in November. (The camera started over with the numbering at 0001. It skipped 0000. The first shot started at 0001, of course, and the camera isn’t smart enough to know that this wasn’t the very first shot.) I bought it to take pics of Abby, mostly. Our little digital point and shoot was getting outdated and I wanted something a little more flexible. I didn’t realize that the DSLR would reignite my latent interest in photography. I’m looking forward to the next 10,000.


Gina found a tiny toad in the back yard and we took Abby out to see it. I put it in her hand and it kept jumping onto the ground in an attempt to flee. Abby would yell, “COME BACK TOAD!”

Then she gave it a kiss. It didn’t turn into a prince, though.

Abby Monday

Here’s a twofer for Abby Monday.

Sunday was a red-letter day for us. We’ve been sorta encouraging Abby to use the potty with little luck. But she was saying she had to pee, and Gina let her run around sans diaper to see what would happen. Generally when she gets loose in the house without a diaper she pees on the floor. Once she even pooped on the floor in the laundry room.

Gina was messing around in the bathroom when Abby walked in and sat on her tiny blue potty. She does that sometimes and Gina didn’t think anything of it. Directly, Abby says I pee-peed. Gina skeptically leaned over and looked in and what do you know, she actually had peed. You can imagine the dance of joy we all performed.

This morning when I was taking Abby to school, I said to her, “Remember yesterday when you peed in the potty?” She replied,”Yeah, my Daddy proud of me. My Mommy proud of me.” And so we were.

Going Green

Another in the continuing saga of Strobist Lighting 102. The assignment was to use a single flash combined with some other light modifier to make it appear as if there is more than one light source. You had your choice of three concepts: financial planning, going green or physical fitness. I chose the going green concept.

My first thought was to shoot our recycling bin and its associated contents. I first turned over the bin on the coffee table and tried putting the flash behind it for some backlighting and a huge mirror on the opposite side to reflect some light on the front of the trash. I got some nice glow through the back of the bin and the reflected light from the front worked pretty well, but the edges were ugly. Walls and couches and clocks showed around the edges of the bin. Light from the flash spilled around the edges, too. Snooting the flash didn’t allow enough reflected light from the front.

I abandoned my first plan and just shot a pile of stuff piled on the table with the flash fired into a silver umbrella and a reflector on the opposite side to reflect. I used the mirror in some shots and a piece of white cardboard in others as the reflector. That kept the light from spilling on other living room objects so the background went pretty well black, though there was a little spill on a white pillow on camera right. I was too lazy to get up and move the pillow. I think the shot you see here is one with the white cardboard. I figure the shot could be used to illustrate the concept of what’s acceptable to recycle.

Still Strobin’

Here’s Abe again modeling for me on the Strobist Lighting 102 assignment concerning umbrella specular reflections. The idea is shoot a portrait using an umbrella to create a specular reflection behind the subject so as to outline the shadow side. It worked pretty well, I think, even though the wall I used for a backdrop is not highly reflective. I’m still not happy with Abe’s modeling. I think it might be because he makes his own specular reflection.

Snoot Full

Today’s Strobist lesson, kids, is light restriction. I made a free cardboard snoot about 11 inches long to fit over my flash head and throw a narrow beam of light. (Gina cracked up when I told her it was called a snoot. She cracked up further when she surveyed the dining room and saw my myriad homemade pitcher-taking accessories.) I was a little surprised at just how narrow my snoot made the beam. It made a rectangle of about 2 feet by 1 foot on he wall when shot from about 7 feet away.

The point of the exercise is to see how light restriction affects your photographs. You can see here the light hits the side of Gina’s face and falls off quickly at the top of her forehead. It falls off quickly at the bottom, too, but that’s off camera in this shot. She was sitting inches from the wall, but by shooting from about 45 degrees from the flash, the area of the wall the light actually hit is out of the shot.

I made the same shot of the Abe Lincoln bust I bought for $15 at the charity e-mail auction held at the office. Abe has been a patient photographic subject, but he’s all coppery colored and I don’t really like the actual photos of him. The real Lincoln wasn’t all that photogenic, either.

Jar O Corks

I love this jar o corks that sits on our kitchen counter. I shot it back when I got my TTL cord for my little SB400 flash and I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. When I read the Strobist Lighting 102 exercise about specular highlights I said “Snap, I can try that out on the jar o corks.” (I didn’t really say “snap.” That would be stupid.)

I know there is a great shot to be had involving this jar and the corks. I just don’t think this is it. I did learn a great deal about moving the highlight around and making it bigger or smaller, however. I tried to use a desk lamp diffused with some tracing paper to provide some backside fill. To balance the light from the lamp, I tried a CTO gel on the flash, but I couldn’t get it right. The lamp made a specular reflection of its own, compounding the problems. I seem to remember reading on the Strobist something about bouncing the light around with mirrors to fake like there’s more than one flash. Maybe I’ll try that.

Strobist info: Vivitar 285HV camera left at 1/16 through a sheet of typing paper.