Hallelujah, we got a warm day. Abby and I headed to Pinnacle Mountain to fly a kite. Unfortunately, the wind wasn’t blowing much at all. Note the kite laying on the ground. So we spent three hours on the playground see-sawing, sliding and swinging. I was playing around with balancing flash and ambient light. Abby was between the camera and the sun. I exposed for the sky and then fired the flash off camera at Abby’s shadow side.
Someone at Gina’s work made this scarf for Abby. She looked very glamorous wearing it, so I wanted to get a picture of her inner diva. I hit it with some glamour glow in Photoshop. I think need to get another model for photography practice. I got a bunch of colored gels in my Strobist lighting kit that I’ve never really messed with. I was trying to use one to make a blue background in this picture. It didn’t work very. I’m not sure I know how to use them properly.
Here’s a fun one.
i have GOT to come play with that diva. tell her nana will be there one wk. from tomorrow if I can wait that long!
Love the portrait of her in the middle. Her eyes are so beautiful in that portrait.
Colored gels work best on a black backdrop. It sounds backwards, but since black absorbs the light that’s hitting it any gel you throw on a it will saturate very nicely. An example is in the link below. The portrait for the cover of HI’s baskeball preview as shot on a black backdrop using a red gel on the background light. Gelling on a black background also makes for really nice gradation of whatever color you are using. If you use no gel and just put straight light on a black backdrop it will turn gray or white depending on intensity of the light.